JavaScript Essentials:功能很有趣(和VIP)-如果您理解它们
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by Zell Liew

由Zell Liew

JavaScript Essentials:功能很有趣(和VIP)-如果您理解它们 (JavaScript Essentials: functions are fun (and VIP) — if you understand them)

Imagine you live in a village without tap water. To get water, you need to take an empty bucket, head to the well in the middle of the village, draw water from the well, and head back home.

想象一下,您住在一个没有自来水的村庄。 要获取水,您需要拿空的水桶,直奔村庄中间的水井,从水井中抽水,然后回家。

You need to draw water from this well multiple times a day. It’s a hassle to say “I’m going to take an empty bucket, go to the well, draw water and bring it back home” every time you explain what you’re doing.

您每天需要多次从这口井中抽水。 每当您解释自己在做什么时,都会说“我要去一个空桶,去井里,抽水,然后把水带回家”,这很麻烦。

To shorten it, you can say you’re going to “draw water.”


And, my friend, you’ve created a function.


宣告功能 (Declaring functions)

A function is a block of code that executes tasks in a specific order, like take empty bucket, go to well, draw water, head back home.


It can be defined with the following syntax:


function functionName (parameters) {   // Do stuff here }

function is a keyword that tells JavaScript you’re defining a function.


functionName is the name of the function. In the example given above, the function name could be drawWater.

functionNamefunctionName的名称。 在上面给出的示例中,函数名称可以是drawWater

The name of the function can be anything, as long as it follows the same rules as . In other words, it needs to follow these rules:

函数的名称可以是任何东西,只要它遵循与相同的规则即可。 换句话说,它需要遵循以下规则:

  1. It must be one word

  2. It must consist only of letters, numbers, or underscores (0–9, a-z, A-Z, _)

    它只能包含字母,数字或下划线(0–9,az,AZ, _ )

  3. It cannot begin with a number

  4. It cannot be any of these


parameters is optional. It is a comma-separated list of variables you wish to declare for your function. They can be assigned values when you use the function.

parameters是可选的。 这是您希望为函数声明的变量的逗号分隔列表。 使用功能时可以为它们分配值。

使用功能 (Using functions)

Once you’ve declared your function, you can use (or invoke, or call, or execute) it by writing the name of the function, followed by parenthesis ().

声明函数后,可以通过编写函数名称,然后加上括号()来使用(或调用调用执行 )它。

Here’s an example where a sayHello function is declared and used.


// Declaring a function
function sayHello () {  console.log('Hello world!')}
// using a functionsayHello()

压痕 (The indentation)

Code within a block (anything within curly braces {}) should be indented to the right. This is an important practice that helps you make code easier to read. It allows you to tell at a glance that console.log('Hello world') is part of sayHello.

块中的代码(大括号{}任何代码)应在右边缩进。 这是重要的实践,可帮助您使代码更易于阅读。 它使您一眼便知道console.log('Hello world')sayHello一部分。

function sayHello () {     // This console.log statement is a part of sayHello       console.log('Hello world!') }

You can choose to indent with two spaces or with a tab key. Some people prefer spaces, others prefer tab. Both are fine, as long as you keep it consistent.

您可以选择缩进两个空格或使用Tab键。 有些人喜欢空格,另一些人喜欢制表符。 两者都很好,只要您保持一致即可。

参量 (Parameters)

Most functions take in parameters. It is a comma-separated list of variables you wish to declare for your function.

大多数功能都带有参数。 这是您希望为函数声明的变量逗号分隔列表

You can have any number of parameters.


function functionName(param1, param2, param3) {   // Do stuff here }

To assign values to your parameters, you pass in values (called arguments) by writing them as comma-separated values in the parentheses.


The first argument would be assigned to the first parameter, the second argument to the second parameter, and so on.


functionName('arg1', 'arg2')

Let’s make it clearer with an example.


Let’s say you wish to write a function called sayName that logs the firstName and lastName of a person. The function looks like this:

假设您希望编写一个名为sayName的函数来记录一个人的firstName和lastName。 该函数如下所示:

function sayName(firstName, lastName) {   console.log('firstName is ' + firstName)   console.log('lastName is ' + lastName) }

Zell is my first name, Liew is my last name. To get the function to work correctly, I pass my Zell, as the first argument, and Liew as the second argument:

Zell是我的名字,Liew是我的名字。 为了使函数正常工作,我将Zell作为第一个参数,并将Liew作为第二个参数:

sayName('Zell', 'Liew') // firstName is Zell // lastName is Liew

If you declared a parameter, but did not pass an argument to it, your parameter would be undefined.


sayName() // firstName is undefined // lastName is undefined

退货声明 (The return statement)

Functions can have a return statement that consists of the return keyword and a value:


function functionName () {   return 'some-value' }

When JavaScript sees this return statement, it stops executing the rest of the function and “returns” (passes the value back to the function call).


function get2 () {   return 2   console.log('blah') // This is not executed }
const results = get2() console.log(results) // 2 // Note: You would not see 'blah' in the console

If the return value is an expression, JavaScript evaluates the expression before returning the value.


Remember, Javascript can only pass around primitives (like String, Numbers, Booleans) and objects (like functions, arrays and objects) as values. Anything else needs to be evaluated.

请记住, JavaScript只能将基元 (如字符串,数字,布尔值) 和对象 (如函数,数组和对象)作为值传递其他需要评估

功能流程 (Flow of a function)

Functions can be hard for beginners to understand. To make sure you understand functions completely, let’s go through what happens when you declare and use a function again. This time, we’ll take things one step at a time.

对于初学者来说,功能可能很难理解。 为了确保您完全理解函数,让我们回顾一下在声明并再次使用函数时会发生的情况。 这次,我们将一步一步走。

Here’s the code we’re dissecting:


function add2 (num) {   return num + 2 }
const number = add2(8) console.log(number) // 10

First of all, you need to declare a function before you can use it. In the first line, JavaScript sees the function keyword and knows the function is called add2.

首先,您需要先声明一个函数,然后才能使用它。 在第一行中,JavaScript看到function关键字,并且知道该函数称为add2

It skips over the code in the function at this point because the function is not used yet.


Next, JavaScript sees you’re declaring a variable called number, and assigning it as the result of add2(8).


Since the right hand side (RHS) is a function call (an expression), JavaScript needs to evaluate the value of add2(8) before it can assign it to the number variable. Here, it sets the parameter num to 8, since you passed in 8 as the argument when you call add2(8).

由于右侧(RHS)是函数调用(表达式),因此JavaScript需要先评估add2(8)的值,然后才能将其分配给number变量。 在这里,它将参数num8 ,因为在调用add2(8)时传入8作为参数。

In the add2 function, JavaScript sees a return statement that says num + 2. This is an expression, so it needs to evaluate it before moving on. Since num is 8, num + 2 must be 10.

add2函数中,JavaScript看到一个返回语句num + 2 。 这是一个表达式,因此在继续之前需要对其进行评估。 由于num为8, num + 2必须为10。

Once num + 2 is evaluated, JavaScript returns the value to the function call. It replaces the function call with the returned value. So, add2(8) becomes 10.

评估num + 2 ,JavaScript会将值返回给函数调用。 它将函数调用替换为返回的值。 因此, add2(8)变为10。

Finally, once the RHS is evaluated, JavaScript creates the variable, number and assigns the value 10 to it.

最后,一旦评估了RHS,JavaScript将创建变量, number并为其分配值10。

That’s how you read the flow of a function.


吊装 (Hoisting)

When functions are declared with a function declaration (what you learned above), they are hoisted to the top of your . This means the following two sets of code are exactly the same.

当使用函数声明声明函数时(您在上面学到的东西),它们会被提升到您的的顶部。 这意味着以下两组代码完全相同。

function sayHello () {   console.log('Hello world!') } sayHello()
// This is automatically converted to the above code sayHello() function sayHello () {   console.log('Hello world!') }

Function hoisting gets confusing because JavaScript changes the order of your code. I highly recommend you declare your functions before you use them. Don’t rely on hoisting.

因为JavaScript更改了代码顺序,所以函数提升变得令人困惑。 我强烈建议您在使用函数之前先声明它们。 不要依靠吊装。

用函数表达式声明函数 (Declaring functions with function expressions)

A second way to declare functions is with a function expression. Here, you declare a variable, then assign a function without a name (an anonymous function) to it.

声明函数的第二种方法是使用函数表达式。 在这里,您声明一个变量,然后为其分配一个没有名称的函数(匿名函数)。

const sayHello = function () {   console.log('This is declared with a function expression!') }

Note that functions declared with function expressions are not automatically hoisted to the top of your scope.


sayHello () // Error, sayHello is not defined const sayHello = function () {   console.log('this is a function!') }

At this point, you may wonder if function expressions are important. That’s a common question to have. Why would you use function expressions if you can declare functions with the function declaration syntax?

此时,您可能想知道函数表达式是否重要。 这是一个常见的问题。 如果可以使用函数声明语法声明函数,为什么还要使用函数表达式?

They are important. You’ll learn why when you learn to declare object methods and .

它们很重要。 您将了解为什么要学习声明对象方法和 。

结语 (Wrapping up)

A function is a block of code that executes tasks in a specific order, like take empty bucket, go to well, draw water, head back home.


You call functions by adding a () to the end of the function name. When you do so, you can add additional values as arguments to the function.

您可以通过在函数名称的末尾添加()来调用函数。 这样做时,可以将其他值添加为函数的参数。

Each function can have a return statement that “returns” a value to the function call.


As much as possible, don’t rely on hoisting when you write functions. Always declare them upfront before you use them.

编写函数时,请尽可能不要依赖提升。 使用它们之前,请务必先声明它们。

This article is a sample lesson from Learn JavaScript — a course that helps you learn JavaScript to real, practical components from scratch. You’ll love Learn JavaScript if you found this article helpful. If you loved this article, I invite you to .

本文是学习JavaScript的示例课程,该课程可帮助您从头开始学习JavaScript到实际的实用组件。 如果发现这篇文章对您有帮助,那么您会喜欢Learn JavaScript。 如果您喜欢这篇文章,我邀请您 。

(Oh, by the way, if you liked this article, I’d appreciate it if you could . ?)

(哦,顺便说一句,如果您喜欢这篇文章,如果可以 ,不胜感激。)

Originally published at .




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